EMT - Tactical

9-A Mall Terrace
Savannah, Ga  31406
Phone 877.692.8911


The Downriver Mutual Aid SWAT will host a  Tactical Medic course  during the week of July 6-10, 2009.

Detroit, MI -  July 6-10, 2009

The Downriver Mutual Aid SWAT
team provides tactical services for
seventeen Downriver participating
communities and is the back-up
tactical team for the Monroe County
Sheriffs Department.
The purpose and need for SWAT
is to provide tactical support to any
Downriver community in the fol-
lowing situations: barricaded gun-
man, active shooters, suicidal sub-
jects, hostage rescue, high risk
search warrants, high risk arrest
warrants and drug raids.

Downriver Mutual Aid SWAT team provides tactical services for seventeen Downriver participating communities and its the back-up team for the Monroe County Sheriff's department.

The course will be conducted at the Wayne County Community College Downriver  Campus -Public Safety Center

Taylor, MI 48180



HOST:   Downriver Mutual Aid SWAT

Wayne County Sheriff’s Office

Contact: 912.692.8911

Cost: $795

Schedule: Mon-Fri (07/06-07/10, 2009)

Register NOW!


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